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Cinematography is the art of photography and camerawork in film-making which is vital in a thriller mvoie as it coneveys the genre and mood to the audience. Furthermore, it job is to also convey hidden messages and creating a lot of suspense in order to keep the audiences attention.

The type of shots used is very important within a thriller film. A shot which is frequently used is a close up. This shot is used in order to display the emotions of the characters face in an important scene. In addition the background is out of focus so the audience does not get distracted, but have no choice to pay attention to the characters face.

Medium shots are used within a scene in order to show a event like a conversation between characters.

Close Up Shot

Medium Shots
Tracking or Panning shot

The panning shot is rotating or pivoting horizontally from a fixed points. This shot is used within a thriller to make it see like the charcater is being watched or even followed by something. In additon, this could also build up tension tension as the audience dont know what could pop up on their screens next.

Shot Reverse

 This technique is used to show one character looking at another character (who is off screen) and then the other character looking back at him/her.. This could be used to show a conversation between the two charcters. In thrillers this could be used to represent a charcater having conflict within themselves.

Long Shot

This technique shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. This is could be used in a thriller in order to show how deserted a town is.

Over the shoulder Shot 

This is a shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or camera angle from the shoulder of another person. This is shot is quite popular in thrilller movies as it shows a figure behind the vicim creating a lot of suspense. Also it gives the audience the ability to see whats happening as sooon as the character does.

High angle 

This kind so shot is used within thriller films in order to represent how poweress and vulnerable a character is to the audience.

Here are some more examples of camera shots and angles
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