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The Departed (2006)

-The lighting is clearer in 'the departed' because it was a Hollywood made film, professionally so its clearer and focused, our film was a home made film where we didn't have access to most of the things that they did but we still manged to show characters faces so that they were recognisable.

-Costume, both characters in both films are in very smart dress and suits. of course 'the investigation' is more modern than 'the departed' so the exact fashion is different and the colour schemes of the costumes have changed otherwise we are spot on, especially with the black replicating the mood

The Investigation

-Props, again we were limited for time and budget so we couldn't get guns or badges which 'the departed' actors clearly display, but then again our characters are criminal master minds not the  police officers (Jordan - props still weren't accessible)

- Background, we were very limited in the places we could film some parts, we had to take into consideration that it is a school so there will be problems with making it look realistic enough like the real police office such as 'the departed' does so effortlessly. we should've put more effort into covering the speakers and the clutter on the desk to make it at least a less busy area. 

Our media product has cast a diverse group of people for a variety of roles and many groups in society are represented -some more than others. our main actors/actresses are black/mixed.

the reasons for black representation are:

-People of colour is often under represented in films/media projects however this has improved over the years. They have been given more roles however sometimes it is unlikely they will get the main/leading roles unless the casting director is specifically look for someone from an ehtnic minority to be the leading role.

I believe that the lead in our film sequence, being someone of colour, is quite important will allow our product to reach a further wide range of people. The people who may not particularly watch the film due to the lead being white may feel more obliged to watch this as they feel they could relate to the character much more.

Throughout our film we have extras from a variety of different backgrounds because we are not specfic in the casting sheets and also due to the fact that we filmed in a diverse location: London. Our group decided to embrace this factor as leaving people out due to their social group would not be authentic.

As we filmed in a school environment we was able to take many shots of different social groups which made thinking about represenation easier as we could constantly ask social groups how they felt we were doing at representing them.

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