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Who would be the audience for your media product? 

This is Sandy,

She is a 23 mixed race female, who works at her local police department currently shadowing a chief detective.

She lives in central london and is currently looking to move to florida with her fiance.

In her spare time she loves to go and train on her local track, sometimes even jogging with her dog jeff.

She tends to watch a lot of crime watch, CSI , Luther and crime related films to further her knowladge and also just for entertainment.

She is also spontanous in whatever she does, she doesnt plan much before she goes out, the only thing she plans for is work which she takes very seriously.

We have attracted her to watch our film because we joint thriller and crime which allowed us to reach one of her favourite things. She can relate closely with our film due to her job and the de

Previously I have said the age range would be 16-20, after finishing the film I think its suitable to extend it to 35/40.I believe that 16-20 is too small of a gap and isnt realistic in a sense that someone older may even have  better interest in it than someone younger.

This is Jhad,

He is 17, a white male who is about to finish his finals at high school.

He lives in North Caronlina  with his parents and grandparents. His grandad served in the navy and his dad works in business while he waants to go pro for basketball.

If he's not training for basketball he is playing his PS4 with friends.

He is very popular at school,achieves good grades, espically in languages.

He listens to Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West and the Migos.

Furthermore, he watches cartoons most of the time and if he waatches scary films.

We attracted people similar to him to watch our film because he is interested in thrillers which contains  murders and jump scares which also meets the criteria of our film.Even though, he has no relation to crime or thriller he would still enjoy it because of the use of young actors which he can relate to.Moreover, he fits my previous age boundary perfectly.

Target Audience

To create more buzz about the trailer we placed many posters around the school in order to promote the trailer and influence other people to watch it and pass on the message therefore this infrequence the amount of views we would receive. 

Buzz was created about the trailer throigh various way. Firstly, we was able to print out several posters which we then plastered around school so that pupils from every year group would know about it and be fully aware. Secondly, we then created leaflets which we would then leave in classrooms and at both entrances of the school so that pupils, teachers and visitors are alert about the film so perhaps they would look out for it. Finally, we then made sure to create a buzz through social media servces liek Twitter, Facebook and nstagram. For example, we started our own hashtag (#TheInvestigation) so we could spread the word much more.

How we created a buzz

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