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Conventions of Thrillers

Roland Barthes ws a frech literary, philsophe and critic. He studied ad semotian ( study of cultural times and symbols).

Barthe suggested that there will be one or more of the codes whcih describes the meaning of texts.

He also said texts may be "open" or "close". Open meaning it unravelled in may different ways and closed meaning there isonly one obvious thread to pull on.

Hermneutic/ Enigma Code

This code refers to mystery within the text as clues are dropped but there is no clear answer.

Enigmas makes the udience want to find out more

Unanswered enigmas usually frustrates the audience

Proairetic/Action Code

The way the tension is built up so the audience is left wondering what happens next

Semantic Code

This code refers to parts within the text that suggests additional meaning

Elements of this code is called Semes

The seme has conotative functions in the text

Symbolic Code

This code is about symbolism in the text.

It exercises the differences to show contrast and greater meaning. This also creates tension, drama and character development 

Referential code

This code  refers to anything in the textwhich refers to scientific, historical and cultural knowledge

Thrillers contains:

  • Criminals

  • Cliffhangers

  • Murder Plots

  • Tension 

  • Mystery

  • Back Stories

  • Red Herrings

  • Anticipation

  • Anxiety 

  • Suspense 

  • Excitement

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